Is it correct to store towels that are used to clean food spills in a sanitizer solution when they are not in use

By Dylan Riley
Last Updated on

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Q. Is it correct to store towels that are used to clean food spills in a sanitizer solution when they are not in use ?

  1. No, they should be kept on the workstation where spills typically occur
  2. No, they should be kept in the food handler’s apron or back pocket for easy access
  3. Yes, as long as the solution is kept on the shelf above the workstation
  4. Yes, towels for cleaning food spills should always be kept in sanitizing solution when not in use

ANSWER: 4. Yes, towels for cleaning food spills should always be kept in sanitizing solution when not in use


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If you don’t use any towels for cleaning food spills then it is considered as poor personal hygiene which may lead to any foodborne illness.

Commonly known Foodborne illness are as follows:

  • E.coli
  • Norovirus Infection
  • Salmonella
  • Hepatitis A
  • Campylobacter

This is the reason why it is better to store towels that are used to clean food spills in a sanitizer solution when you are not using them rather than in your pockets or aprons.

If you do this on a regular basis then you can easily kill germs from spreading and also helps in creating a hygienic environment for you and your family especially among children.

It is also recommended that those towels never be used for any other purposes as well.


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Is it correct to store towels that are used to clean food spills in a sanitizer solution when they are not in use

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