Where may a food worker drink from an uncovered cup ?

By Dylan Riley
Last Updated on

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Q. Where may a food worker drink from an uncovered cup ?

  1. In the kitchen
  2. In the deli area
  3. In the buffet area
  4. In the dining room

ANSWER: 1. In the kitchen


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From the given question, in the kitchen, a food worker on break may drink from an uncovered cup because even though other places like deli area, dining & buffet rooms are clean & hygienic, the kitchen would be the best place where the uncovered cup would be kept more hygiene & clean especially for workers.

Other people who come to eat in the deli area, the buffet area, or in the dining area wouldn’t be happy enough to witness a food worker drink water from an uncovered cup.

So, it’s a safe manner if a food worker on a break drinks water from the kitchen since its more appropriate & right thing to do so.


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Where may a food worker drink from an uncovered cup

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