Which of the following is not part of the NIMS management characteristic of chain of command?

By Dylan Riley
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Revised FEMA Online Course Questions & Answers [FEMA 1S-200 C]

Q. Which of the following is not part of the NIMS management characteristic of chain of command?

  1. Allows the Incident Commander to control the actions of personnel under his or her supervision.
  2. Restricts personnel from sharing information with each other.
  3. Avoids confusion by requiring that orders flow from supervisors.
  4. Details how authority flows through the incident management organization.

ANSWERS: 2. Restricts personnel from sharing information with each other.

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Restricts personnel from sharing information with each other is not a part of the NIMS management characteristic of chain of command because granting personals to share vital information with each other is a crucial part of NIMS Management.

NIMS (National Incident Management System) is meant to handle all types of incidence and its main objective is to restore every service operations as soon as possible and to minimize the negative impact on the same.

Chain of command itself is a solid line of authority from higher management level to lower management level in which there are 2 concepts of chain of command such as:

=> Authority

=> Unity of command

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Which of the following is not part of the NIMS management characteristic of chain of command?

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