Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding deciding whether an alcohol sale is legal?

By Dylan Riley
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Q. Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding deciding whether an alcohol sale is legal?

  1. If a person looks over 21, they likely are.
  2. Few minors have physical characteristics of an adult.
  3. If a person looks like a minor, they likely are a minor.
  4. Signs of physical maturity are a reliable guide.

ANSWER: 3. If a person looks like a minor, they likely are a minor.


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As per the law, an alcohol sale is legal when it is sold to someone above the age of 21. Usually, people that are below the age of 21 are considered minor or underaged. Similarly, people from the age of 21, can be considered as adults. Hence, we could say that selling alcohol to minors is illegal. It goes against the law and it is not a legitimate sale.

One of the best guides here is one’s appearance. Yes, you heard that right! Typically, an individual’s appearance speaks volumes about themselves. Therefore, when a person appears to be underage, he or she is likely to be underage. Well, the chances or the probability of this are very high.

However, we agree that physical signs cannot always be a suitable way here. In the end, people are not always what they seem and first appearances deceive many. It could be possible that some minors have the characteristics of an adult and could be a vulnerable aspect.

Hence, it is always better to refuse alcohol to an adult who looks younger than selling alcohol to a younger person who looks older.

Therefore, If a person looks like a minor, they likely are a minor is the correct statement regarding deciding whether an alcohol sale is legal.


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Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding deciding whether an alcohol sale is legal?

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