Which Themes Are Common in Carson McCullers’s Works?

By Dylan Riley
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Which themes are common in Carson McCullers’s works?

  1. Adventure and intrigue
  2. Mystery and suspense
  3. Loneliness and isolation
  4. Wealth and greed

ANSWER: 3.Loneliness and isolation


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Carson McCuller was a famous writer, her fictional character had often suffered from varied physical and psychological disabilities. This had complicated their natural yet a lot of times strange compassion search. The novels and the stories had portrayed a gothic embrace.

The main theme that can be observed in most of McCuller’s work has been about isolation and loneliness. This can be easily seen in the novel “The Heart is a lonely hunter”. She talks about a man that does not talk to people around him.

The American author and essayist saw isolation and loneliness as reality even back then, when focus on such topics was not present. There are other interesting examples from her work like “The Ballad of the Sad Café” that had shown the theme of pain and being alone that one feels with the unrequited love.

Then another important mention is “The Member of the Wedding” and the story is about a young girl and the way she feels about the wedding of her brother. This was one of the most famous novels, and there are many stories that she wrote that mainly revolved around an individual’s loneliness and the impact of isolation.


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Which Themes Are Common in Carson McCullers's Works

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