In Texas, a minor driver’s license has which of the following?

By Dylan Riley
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Q. In Texas, a minor driver’s license has which of the following?

  1. States “Under 21 driver license” on the front.
  2. Is presented in vertical format.
  3. Provides an “under 21 until” date.
  4. All of the above.

ANSWER: 4. All of the above


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As a safety concern towards public, the government in Texas made strict laws that minor driver’s license must have States “Under 21 driver license” on the front, Provides an “under 21 until” date, and is presented in vertical format.

Minor as per government means teens who are less than the age of 21. This is to make sure that alcohol isn’t getting sold to teens as well since it’s a punishable crime to sell alcohol to those minors.


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In Texas, a minor driver's license has which of the following?

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