Uncovered lightbulbs may expose food to which type of hazard

By Dylan Riley
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Q. Uncovered lightbulbs may expose food to which type of hazard ?

  1. Chemical hazards
  2. Physical hazards
  3. All of the above
  4. None of the above

ANSWER: 3. All of the above


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When we consume food it should be safe in all the ways like chemically, biologically, and physically as well. So, while we keep food safe and secure from all kinds of chemical and biological hazards during cooking, it still might be prone to physical hazards.

So, if any accident is to happen that has a chance that some unwanted foreign particles may contaminate the food that will be a physical hazard to it. So the health, safety, and hygiene of the food will be at a hazard if it is exposed to any glass, hair dirt, or dust particles.

When food is exposed to uncovered light bulbs it is at a high risk of being physically and chemically hazards which could deteriorate its quality.

One risk is that the glass bulb might break accidentally and all the tiny glass particles of glass will enter the food and ruin it. While this is one case and there is another where mercury vapor lamps are used and if they break accidentally it can expose food to toxic mercury.

So, in both cases, the food is always prone to physical and chemical hazards which are dangerous for health.

Read More: https://www.albalisagourmetfood.com/uncovered-lightbulbs-may-expose-food-to-which-type-of-hazard.html


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Uncovered lightbulbs may expose food to which type of hazard

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