Volunteers serving alcohol at a special event must:

By Dylan Riley
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Q. Volunteers serving alcohol at a special event must:

  1. Follow regular alcoholic beverage laws.
  2. Check IDs & refuse sale for minors.
  3. Recognize signs of intoxication.
  4. All of the above

ANS: 4. All of the above


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Mandatorily it is the duty of every volunteer who is serving alcohol to know the legal age to serve alcohol at any event that took place(law exemptions can be seen in few states across US). Check out the list of alcohol laws of US.

A volunteer should professionally refuse to give more alcohol if signs of intoxication spotted. They should also guess the age of the guests who comes to events even though they show you the IDs.

Therefore, volunteers serving alcohol at a special event must follow regular alcoholic beverage laws, check IDs & refuse sale for minors, recognize signs of intoxication & ask for help from law enforcement before it’s too late.


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Volunteers serving alcohol at a special event must:

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