When you display food in ice the food must:

By Dylan Riley
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Q. When you display food in ice the food must:

  1. Be 35° f (1.6°c) or colder
  2. Be 41° f (5°c) or colder
  3. Be 45° f (7.2°c) or colder
  4. Sit on top of the ice

ANSWER: 2. Be 41° f (5°c) or colder


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Ice is unquestionably the best way to chill the food especially Seafood.  NO matter, how much you depend on other methods of chilling like refrigerators and insulations, the result will not turn out to be this good. These methods do chill the foods like seafood, salad, and fish but it is not like what ice does to it, even if you keep the food in isolators.

So, the major food industry is relying on ice to chill the Seafood, fish, and salads. The reason being Ice is the most-efficient way to cool seafood because it can easily be stored, moved, and used as needed. Also, it is readily available at a very cheap price compared to other cooling methods which makes it a feasible option to chill food.

One advantage of using Ice to chill food is changing the temperature of the food and does not let germs and bacteria to grow which could have been the case if the food was left on room temperature.

If you chill the seafood and fish on the above suggested temperature then the food will be uniformly chilled and there will be no warmer or colder spots in it. Another reason to use Ice is that it helps retain the moisture of the food. Because if it melts it releases cold water which in turn helps in keeping the fish and other food moist and prevents dehydration.

So, if you are using ice to keep the seafood, salad cold using ice make sure that the ice matches the level of the food on whatever dish it has been stored. The temperature of the food must not be less than 41° f(5° C) when you keep it with ice to get it chilled.

Advantages of Using ICE:

=> Cooling Efficiency

=> Temperature Regulation

=> Moisture Retention

=> Safety & Economical

=> Convenience & Availability


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When you display food in ice the food must:

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