Which food was received in the temperature danger zone ?

By Dylan Riley
Last Updated on

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Q. Which food was received in the temperature danger zone ?

  1. Milk 38F
  2. Cottage cheese at 40F
  3. Shell eggs at 43F
  4. Potato salad at 46F

ANSWER: 4. Potato salad at 46F


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We all know temperature danger zone for food ranges between 40F to 140F.

Danger zone in simple terms defines as the specified temperature range in which microorganisms grow rapidly in the food.

So, in order to keep food out of danger we must keep the temperature at or 40F below and also note that hot food must be kept at or 40F below.

From the given question, 3 of them fall in temperature danger zone except for cottage cheese since it is safe at 40F due to the fermentation process.

Surprisingly, shell eggs are also safe at 43F because as you may know it has a shell to protect it.

Hence, the right answer is Potato salad at 46F.


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Which food was received in the temperature danger zone

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