Which of the following are characteristics of a keystone species?

By Dylan Riley
Last Updated on

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Q. Which of the following are characteristics of a keystone species?

  1. Their presence dictates the survival of the entire community
  2. They evoke a strong emotional response in people.
  3. They have a very large population.
  4. None of the above

ANSWER: 3. Their presence dictates the survival of the entire community.


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According to Chegg, When the activity of a species determines community structure in spite of their low abundance or biomass, that species is called a keystone species. Keystone species play a key role in controlling the relative abundance of other species. The loss of a keystone species can lead to a sharp population drop & extinction of other species as well that depend on it for certain services & causes serious disruption in the functioning of the community.

From this, we can conclude that option 2 & option 3 cannot be the answers. So, option 1, their presence dictates the survival of the entire community is considered to be the characteristics of a keystone species.


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Which of the following are characteristics of a keystone species?

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