Which of the following has primary responsibility for eliminating alcohol from the bloodstream?

By Dylan Riley
Last Updated on

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Q. Which of the following has primary responsibility for eliminating alcohol from the bloodstream?

  1. Stomach
  2. Liver
  3. Spleen
  4. Both 1 and 3

ANSWER: 2. Liver


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The human liver is involved in filtering blood. It purifies the blood arriving directly from the digestive systems before entering into other body parts. It is the liver’s primary responsibility to eliminate the ethanol from the blood.

If a person is doing overdose, then the process might take a little longer. During the process, the person experiences intoxication. If anyone drinks a moderate alcohol level, then ethanol doesn’t stay for long in the bloodstream.

With primary liver function, the fatty liver becomes a prime reason for liver diseases. It can further lead to the development of cirrhosis and inflammation. Regular alcohol consumption should be stopped to protect the liver and its functioning.

Increased cortisol happens because of chronic alcohol consumption. It can always increase the risk of liver disease. Alcohol is very toxic, and the liver can only modify it through series of chemical reactions.

Hence, we can say that the liver has primary responsibility for eliminating alcohol from the bloodstream & also removes toxins from the human body.


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Which of the following has primary responsibility for eliminating alcohol from the bloodstream?

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