It is estimated that over ___________% of all crashes in the US are caused by driver distraction.

By Dylan Riley
Last Updated on

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Q. It is estimated that over ___________% of all crashes in the U.S. are caused by driver distraction.

  1. 75
  2. 25
  3. 50
  4. 10

ANSWER: 3. 50


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Statistics show that accidents are more common with teenagers in the United States. Reports also say that the percentage of accidents caused by men is significantly higher than those caused by women because women tend to be more careful while driving.

Distracted driving is a brief but fatal deviation of the driver’s focus that takes his/her concentration off the road.

Distracted driving can be dangerous, many have lost their lives, and others were severely injured. Not only does one risk his/her own life, but those around and with them as well.

Some of the commonest reasons cited by the drivers for distracted driving are, looking at mobile, adjusting AC, managing the music player, taking care of a child, eating, and talking.


4 Types of Driver’s Distraction

All the reasons for which drivers are distracted can be fitted into either of the four categories.

1. Visual — Driver shifts his/her focus away from the road.
2. Auditory— The driver concentrates on sounds that aren’t related to driving.
3. Manual— manipulating or operating something other than the steering while driving.
4. Cognitive— thinking about things that aren’t driving-related.

Therefore, it is estimated that over 50% of all crashes in the US are caused by driver distraction.


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It is estimated that over ___________% of all crashes in the US are caused by driver distraction.

Hope you find the answer!