Which resource management task includes activating local resource requirements, if available?

By Dylan Riley
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This question relates to the following course:

Revised FEMA Online Course Questions & Answers [FEMA IS-700 B]

Q. Which resource management task includes activating local resource requirements, if available?

  1. Track and Report
  2. Reimburse and Restock
  3. Order and Acquire
  4. Mobilize

ANSWER: Order and Acquire

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Answer in Detail

The process of effectively planning out and then allocating our resources so that the efficiency of our resources can be maximized whenever required is known as resource management. We can include a lot of things as a part of resources like the inventory, the production that takes place, the supplies that are required be it natural ones or the financial ones, information technology, and social and communication skills.

There are various reasons when there is a requirement for these resources to be activated and the effectiveness of these resources to be maximized. There are times when things don’t go according to the plan and some incidents occur unpredictably and there comes a need to act immediately over it. Now here comes the task where we have to indulge ourselves in solving this problem immediately that came up unexpectedly. This is the actual time when we require the process of ordering and acquiring. This refers to an in-depth process of evaluating the damage that has been done and what all resources are required to reduce the damage. One of the most important things that we do is the activation of the local resources If in case they are available because they are most easily accessible. If in case these resources cannot be activated, then it is time to look for these resources to the nearest locations.

Before this whole process there comes the requirement of the management to deal with the required types of resources along with an understanding of their characteristics and how can they be transported to various locations and much more. This whole system that works on handling such cases is known as the NIMS which stands for the National Incident Management System.

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Which resource management task includes activating local resource requirements, if available?