In which of the following situations would you sell/serve an alcoholic beverage?

By Dylan Riley
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Q. In which of the following situations would you sell/serve an alcoholic beverage?

  1. A group of young-looking people come into the store and go to the beer and wine aisle. You see several of them place items in the grocery cart and then give money to one person. The person approaches the counter while the other people in the party waiting at the door.
  2. A couple comes in for dinner and the wife is staggering and you smell alcohol on her breath. They sit down for their meal and she orders a margarita, her husband tells you he hasn’t been drinking and will be driving her home.
  3. A gentleman walks up to the counter with a bottle of whiskey you watched him walk through the store he answers your questions directly and clearly, you do not smell alcohol on his breath and his eyes are clear.
  4. A table of 4 women has shared a bottle of wine and each drank several mixed beverages. You notice that they are getting louder and starting to disturb other customers. One flags you to the table and orders a round of tequila shots.

ANS: 3. A gentleman walks up to the counter with a bottle of whiskey you watched him walk through the store he answers your questions directly and clearly, you do not smell alcohol on his breath and his eyes are clear.


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You sell/serve an alcoholic beverage to A gentleman walks up to the counter with a bottle of whiskey you watched him walk through the store he answers your questions directly and clearly, you do not smell alcohol on his breath and his eyes are clear from the following situations given above.


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In which of the following situations would you sell/serve an alcoholic beverage?

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