Which one of the following food contaminations is best prevented by cooking to safe temperatures?

By Dylan Riley
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Q. Which one of the following food contaminations is best prevented by cooking to safe temperatures?

  1. Botulism
  2. E. coli
  3. Spoilage
  4. Acidophilus

ANSWER: 2. E. coli


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E. coli is commonly known as Escherichia coli which is a rod typed bacteria or even a gram-negative that normally lives in the intestines of people and even in few animals as well.

Surprisingly, most of E. coli are harmless and also helps in keeping your digestive tract healthy. But few may lead to severe illness especially diarrhea if you drink fouled water or eat contaminated food according to CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention).


Few Other Diseases caused by E. coli with Food poisoning are as follows:

=> Adult kidney failure

=> Fever & Bleeding

=> Pneumonia

=> Urinary tract infections

This is the reason E.coli is widely acquired via under cooked foods such as beef & meat, which is why the only reason it is advisable to cook any food using a thermometer to avoid food contamination.


Few Prevention methods that can be followed are as follows:

=> Wash your hands daily with antibacterial soaps or similar handwash gels especially when you came in contact with infected persons.

=> Properly washing food and cooking them at safe internal temperatures or by storing food safely in a refrigerator or freezer.

=> Keep your kitchen or work area clean & hygiene wherever you cook food especially utensils, cutting boards, counters, etc…

=> Always try to eat & drink pasteurized products including juice, milk, cheese, etc…

=> Never ever swallow water while you swim in a pool, lake, river,  or other water bodies.

You can read more about E. coli here: https://www.livescience.com/64436-e-coli.html


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Which one of the following food contaminations is best prevented by cooking to safe temperatures?

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