During each mile you drive, up to__________events you need to interpret can occur.

By Dylan Riley
Last Updated on

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Revised Defensive Driving Course Questions & Answers for the year 2020


Q. During each mile you drive, up to__________events you need to interpret can occur.

  1. 200
  2. 75
  3. 50
  4. 100

ANSWER: 1. 200


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We all know driving is a part of common people’s life and obviously it’s a skill and responsibility.

Therefore, a driver needs to be more vigilant and make important decisions while on the road.

Few decisions include:

  • Whether to take a right or left turn
  • Whether to stop or not for a reason
  • When to apply brakes and accelerate
  • When to shift gear if you are driving a manual transmission vehicle
  • When to press the gas pedal, etc….

Otherwise, it’s so sure that he or she gonna violate traffic rules, as well as gonna, make accidents.

Hence it’s clear that during each mile you drive, up to 200 events you need to interpret can occur.


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During each mile you drive, up to__________events you need to interpret can occur.

Hope you find the answer!