Which of the Following Statements are True Concerning the Eye?

By Dylan Riley
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Q. Which of the following statements are true concerning the eye?

  1. Farsightedness can be corrected with a diverging lens.
  2. Astigmatism refers to a defect in which the surface of the cornea is not spherical. Instead, it is more sharply curved in one plane than another
  3. Nearsightedness can be corrected with a diverging lens
  4. The far point of the normal eye is infinity
  5. The hyperopic eye focuses rays from an object at infinity in front of the retina; the myopic eye focuses rays from an object at infinity behind the retina

ANSWER: 2, 3 & 4 Statements are true


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ANSWER 2: Astigmatism refers to a defect in which the surface of the cornea is not spherical. Instead, it is more sharply curved in one plane than another.

Astigmatism is an eye imperfection in which the eye is unable to focus light on the retina evenly.

In this, the vision is blurred due to the curvature of the lens inside the eye. The cornea of the eye has an irregular shape in this condition which leads to near-sightedness or farsightedness.


ANSWER 3: Near-sightedness can be corrected with a diverging lens.

Near-sightedness is a refractive disorder also known as Myopia.

In this condition, an individual is clearly able to see close objects, but the distant objects appear blurred. This occurs when the image informed in the front of the retina rather than on the retina.

To correct myopia a diverging lens i.e. concave lens (which is curved inwards) is used. When placed in front of a myopic eye, it helps in forming the image on the retina and hence make the image clear.


ANSWER 4: The far point of the normal eye is infinity.

The far point is the most distant point at which a normal eye without any assistant can see any object clearly.

Also, at this point, the image should still be in focus. Scientifically, a point at which the ciliary muscles are most relaxed is known as the far point of a normal eye. In the case of humans, the farthest point is infinity.


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Which of the following statements are true concerning the eye?

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